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Client Information Screen

General Tab

The Client window is the initial input window for clients or company (Group) information. Across the bottom of the Client Information window or General tab number 1 is a list of buttons.

ADD allows you to add a new client. Click on that once and a blank window will appear allowing you to add a new clients information.

DELETE allows you to delete any client, dependent, notes and any product.

NEXT allows you to go to the next client in the list.

PRIOR allows you to go back to the previous client in the list.

TOP allows you to go the first name in the client list.

BOTTOM allows you to go to the last name in the client list.

LIST allows you to view the clients in a list format. It will also allow you to search for clients, companies, and dependents. If you need to search for a dependent or employee, there is a box that has clients and dependents (serves also for employees). Click on dependents and then click in the Search box. Type the last name of the dependent. Once you have done that you will see the dependent name appear in the list below. To go to that dependent click on Select at the top of the window and that will bring you to the Tab Number 4 - Dependents List from the Client Information area. To search for a Client you can choose the sort method of Client ID, Last Name, Company, and Preferred Phone.

SAVE allows you to save the information on a new client or after editing an existing client. There are no EDIT buttons. If you need to make a change go to where you need to make the change by clicking the field with your mouse and start typing. This will put the program in the edit mode, once you are done click SAVE and your changes will be saved.

CANCEL allows you to discard your changes and bring back the prior data from your last SAVE.

HELP allows you to access the HELP screens for the particular window you are working on.

CLOSE allows you to exit this window and return to the main window or to any other activated window you had left open.