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Importing to a Palm Pilot is a two step process. The first step consists of exporting your data using a custom export program provided by Inscomm, Inspalm. You can purchase a copy of this program by emailing Inscomm Technical Support or Marketing. or calling direct.

Step 1: Open Inpalm.

Fields (on the left) allows you to select the fields to be exported. Check the box next to the fields you want to export, uncheck the box next to the fields you do not want to export.

Clients (top center) is a complete list of your client data. You can manually select clients to be exported by highlighting the first one, scroll thru the list and with your control key held down select the remaining. You can also use the Filter and Tag options to select the list of clients you want to export. Once you have the names selected, click the open folder at the end of the Store export files in field and browse to your c:\inscomm\massmail folder. Give the file a name and click Save. Click the Convert button (lower right) to export your data.

Step 2: Open your Palm Desktop software.

On the left side click the Address button. Click File|Import. When the dialog box openes change the files of type to Comma Separated (*.csv, *txt), browse to the file you converted and click OK.

A list of fields both on the palm (left) and inscomm (right) will appear. Drag and drop the fields on the left (palm) to match the fields on the right (inscomm). Uncheck any fields you do not wish to import. Click Ok. You are now ready to do a hot sync.