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Mass Mailing

To open Mass Mailing, click on File|Mass Mailing.

You can either create a Mass Mail file manually or create one from your exsiting client data.

To create a Mass Mailing file from your existing client data, return to the main window and click REPORTS and select which report you wish to run. All the Reports have Transfer capabilities.

If you want a list of names and addresses of all your clients, then select Client List.

In the Client List we have a few options for you to select from. We allow you to first sort it in a manner that works for you. About 95% of our clients like to have an alphabetical list by last name. So under the Sort By, double click LASTNAME, this will put LastName in Sort Fields Used. We also allow you to sort out people by Invested\Insured Only, Group Only, Exclude Dependents, and Companies Only. Invested\Insured Only means the list will only look for those clients that have an active policy with an issue date. Group Only means take only those clients that are marked on the client window as Group. Exclude Dependents means remove anyone listed as a dependent from the list. Companies Only is almost the same as Group Only. It will list only those companies that appear on the Client Information window with Report Company checked. If you use the Tag field on the Client Information window you can pull out the clients that have a certain tag. If you have a list of prospects in the Client Information area and only want to pull those names out, then in the INCLUDE TAG field you would enter your tag that you have marked for those people. Once you have selected your criteria then click the Process Button. Once the Process is finished you can view the list by clicking the View button. To transfer the list to Mass Mailing click the Transfer button. You will be prompted to give a file name. Do not start with a number or use any dashes or spaces etc.Click Ok and this will transfer this list of names to Mass Mailing.

If you want to create a new file of names in the Mass Mailing section manually, open Mass Mailing and click the New button (first icon on Mass Mailing toolbar). You will be prompted to enter a file name. Enter a name, click Ok. You can start to add names to your new file by clicking the Add button.

Mail Merge

To merge a document with a Mass Mail file, open Mass Mailing, click open (second icon from the left) and select the list you want to work with, click OK. Click the Mail Merge icon (7th from the left) and you will be able to sort that file by Last Name or even Zip Code for bulk mail, or whatever means you wish. To select a Sort Order, click on which sort you'd like, and then click on the red down arrow. If you selected the Sort Order of LastName, or any Sort Order it will print your document by this sort without stopping your printer. If you use the Range option, you will be able to sort the list by Tag, City, Age, and others and you can stop your printer. For example, if you use the Range of LastName and put a capital A in the From field and a capital D in the Thru field it will print your document to those with the lastname from A - D then stop. You can start printing again where you left off.

The letters you created in Quick Write are listed in the Document Library window.If you need to make a change to the letter before printing, you can click on the documents icon below the document window and that will allow you to edit your letter before printing. Once you have selected your Sort Order/Range, select a document to be printed and click Process. Once the Process is finished click Print.. This will merge a letter to all the people in this Mass Mailing file.

We also allow you to print Labels and Envelopes from Mass Mailing. To print Labels from Mass Mailing click the Labels icon (eighth from the left). If you want the labels to print alphabetical, select Last Name and click the red down arrow. It also allows you to do a Range. This is just like the Mail Merge Sort and Range area. Once you have your criteria set, click the Process button, then click the Print Button. It will ask you for a starting Row and Column. The most common labels to use are the Avery 5160. They are 3 across, 10 down, 30 to a page. These are the best for doing mailing labels. We have an Avery Label Library stored in the program under the Utilities Menu at the main window. If you are using something other than Avery 5160, the label library will allow you to select which label style you are using. Once you have selected your labels, the software will print the labels for that list in Mass Mailing.

To print Envelopes, click on the envelope icon (looks like an envelope). Select your Sort Order or Range, just like in Mail Merge and Labels. Once you click on Process then Print, it will ask you for a Feed Method. Select the one that applies to your printer, click OK.