Scanning Scanning allows you to scan anything directly into the Image Containers. The Image Containers are located on the clients records, dependent records and all product records. Along with scanning into the image containers, you can insert images that you have previously saved on your hard drive. Once you have made an image container you can add pages to it and also delete pages from it. All pages in any image container can be emailed and printed right from the container.
To make an image container from Client Information, locate that client and click the Image Containers tab. To create a new image container, click on Add You will need to enter a unique description and if you wish a key word for each image container. If you enter the identical information for more than one image container, you will receive a key violation error when trying to save. After you have entered the description click on ok to save.
The first time that you use scanning, you will need to
select the scanner. Do this by clicking on the center icon along the top
of the container labeled Select Scanner. To scan into the container, place the document(s) into your scanner. At the bottom of the container put in the number of pages to be scanned. If you are using a mulitfeed scanner and are scanning in 3 pages, put a 3 in the box.
Append will add pages into the container. Insert will insert a page in between pages. Replace will replace an exsisting page with a new page.
This will bring up your scanning software and then transfer the file directly to the Image Container.
You can insert any .tif image from your hard drive directly into the Image Container by clicking the Open File icon and locating that file. To close the container click Close.